Per Machinam

Per Machinam presents a compelling roguelike exploration game, adorned with meticulously crafted pixel art and a minimalistic three-color palette. Immerse yourself in the role of a group of diverse adventurers, entrusted with the crucial mission of safeguarding the enigmatic Clockwork Island of Machina from imminent peril. What sets this project apart is its ambitious aspiration to transcend the boundaries between analog and digital realms. In its ongoing development, it ingeniously amalgamates analog mechanics, electronic components, and digital technologies to simulate a board game experience, drawing inspiration from the intricate mechanisms and timekeeping devices of the 17th century. Traverse through a dynamically shifting landscape, uncover concealed enigmas, confront formidable adversaries, and make pivotal decisions, all within the captivating realm of Per Machinam. Prepare to embark on a journey that seamlessly fuses the allure of antiquity with cutting-edge gameplay.

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